For absences, please call the school office at (314) 991-1456 before 8:50 a.m. if your child is not going to be at school for any reason with:
- Your child’s name
- Grade and teacher
- Reason for their absence.
Without this notification, your child’s absence will be marked as unexcused. Parents may excuse a child from PE class for up to three consecutive days because of an illness or injury. In the event a child needs to sit out of PE class for longer than three consecutive days, a doctor's note is required listing a specific number of days to be released or providing a release date.
Children are tardy if they are not inside their classrooms when the 8:50 a.m. bell rings. If your child is still in the hallway, just walking into school, or running late, the child must check in at the office before going to the classroom.
Early Dismissals
Please try to schedule doctor’s appointments and other activities so your student doesn’t miss out on important learning time.
If you do need to pick up your child early, please let us know in advance by completing this form. We request that you pick them up NO LATER than 3:20 p.m., as this is a very busy time in the office due to the regular dismissal for all the students at Reed.
To pick up your child early, please sign them out in the main office. The office staff will call your child from the classroom to join you.